Saturday, 10 May 2014

Bodypaint Practise

I had a quick practise body painting the main body of the design, to test how the colours work together, and also the line design on top.

The mannequin I used is proportionally a lot smaller than the human body, so I think that most of the design will be spread out across the model's body a bit more. (Otherwise the feather front piece will cover most of it)

I am really happy with the design as I think the colours work together beautifully and the line design on top also works well.

As the middle part will be covered by the feather piece, there isn't any point in painting it, but it makes sense in my head to paint it, otherwise I will struggle to make them symmetrical! 

Overall, it was very quick to paint to base colours, and spent more time on the lines. The base coat was very easy to apply thanks to my new kabuki brushes which applies the paint like a dream. 

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